10/28/2022 - 8:00 PM Uhr
Namibia & Botswana - Multivision Country Evening
Wilderness Africa - a world full of extremes
After more than 2 years of Corona break, My Travel Agency Lufthansa City Center in cooperation with Brixen Tourismus invites you again to the globetrotting adventure evening.
For several months, the famous photographer and book author Thomas Sbampato roamed through all the regions of Namibia and Botswana, discovering the relaxed freedom of sleeping in a roof tent, two metres above the ground. Besides the countless encounters with people, it was the experiences with animals that left an unforgettable impression on him. As a photographer and book author, Thomas Sbampato specialises in adventure reports on the north of North America and the south of Africa. The focus of his reportages is on the coexistence of man and nature, the interface of the habitats of civilisation and wilderness. Exciting stories and a straightforward visual language characterise his reportages, lectures and books. Sbampato's pictures appear in numerous magazines such as Geo and National Geographic, newspapers, calendars and books worldwide and have received several international awards.
Information & booking:
Lufthansa City Center
MEIN REISEBÜRO d. Marius Gebhard
Plosestrasse 40c
39042 Bressanone
Contribution towards expenses:
Adults (18 - 99 years): 14 euros.
Tickets at the box office - pre-registration required!
T 0472 200 051
More information: lcc-meinreisebuero.com