10/6/2022 - 10:45 AM Uhr
Youth theater: Die Konferenz der Vögel (in german language)
For the 1st to 5th grade upper school and vocational school
A flock of birds for a better world
"The Conference of the Birds" is a great mystical poem of Persian literature. It was written in the 12th century by Farid ud-Din Attar in Iran. In the fable, thousands of birds, lamenting the deplorable state of the world, meet to discuss what should be done. After much toing and froing and many excuses, they decide to ask the miracle bird Simurgh for advice, who is said to live on Mount Kaf. On the arduous way there, the birds have to cross seven valleys. Many turn back, many lose sight of their goal, many fall by the wayside. In the end, no more than 30 birds come closer to finding the answer to their questions.
Based on this myth, the Young Ensemble Marabu sets out on a journey and confronts the pressing questions of the present. How is another world conceivable? Why do attempts at lasting change fail? What hinders us or scares us? And are we willing to change our lifestyle if it leads to a more just, humane and tolerant society?
freely adapted from Farid ud-Din Attar
A guest performance by Theater Marabu, Bonn
Artistic direction: Tina Jücker, Claus Overkamp
Costumes: Regina Rösing
Theatre pedagogy: Melina Delpho
Luisa Becher, Melina Delpho, Kai Gerschlauer, Leander Kessel, Heike Kubotsch, Nele Marggraf, Alexander Preis, Sonja Nellinger, Sophia Reifenrath, Niklas Schnell
Photo: Ursula Kaufmann
Duration: approx. 1 hour
6 € (pupils)
10 € (adults)
0 € (teachers accompanying school classes)
Information & booking:
Organization: Südtiroler Kulturinstitut
Contact person for registrations:
Elisabeth Mairhofer
Tel. +39 0471 313812
Handling of the performances:
Alex Agostini
Tel. 335 7110227
Office hours:
Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and
Thursday also from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
More dates:
10/6/2022 - 8:45 AM Uhr
10/7/2022 - 8:45 AM Uhr
10/7/2022 - 10:45 AM Uhr
More information: www.kulturinstitut.org