1/14/2025 - 8:30 PM Uhr
Dance: Ballade (in italian language)

choreography Enrico Morelli
music by Frédéric Chopin, Giuseppe Villarosa
dancers Emiliana Campo, Lorenzo Fiorito, Mauro Genovese, Matilde Gherardi, Fabiana Lonardo, Alice Ruspaggiari, Nicola Stasi, Giuseppe Villarosa
choreography and direction Mauro Bigonzetti
music by Nick Cave, CCCP - Fedeli alla linea, Leonard Cohen, Arvo Pärt, Prince, Nina Simone, Frank Zappa
lighting design Carlo Cerri
costumes Silvia Califano
assistant choreography Roberto Zamorano
maestro repeaters Paolo Lauri, Enrico Morelli
workshops conception and coordination by Cinzia Beneventi
dancers Emiliana Campo, Lorenzo Fiorito, Mario Genovese, Matilde Gherardi, Fabiana Lonardo, Alice Ruspaggiari, Rossana Samele, Nicola Stasi, Giuseppe Villarosa, Leonardo Zannella
production MM Contemporary Dance Company
co-production Municipal Theatre of Modena
with the support of ATER Fondazione, Comune di Correggio / Centro di Documentazione Pier Vittorio Tondelli - Correggio
Ministry of Culture / Emilia-Romagna Region / Municipality of Reggio Emilia /
National Dance Foundation/Aterballetto / Permanent Dance Centre - Reggio Emilia
Duration: ELEGIA 35 minutes, BALLADE 85 minutes
Information & booking:
Organization: Teatro Stabile di Bolzano
Teatro Stabile di Bolzano
Tel. 0471 301 566
Whatsapp: 366 6311044
three seasons: 2024-2025 / 2025-2026 / 2026-2027
full price € 150
reduced € 123
under 26 and CGN holders € 67
under 20 € 45
season 2024/2025
full price € 65
reduced € 55
under 26 and CGN holders € 30 (second season ticket under 26 free)
under 20 € 20 (a second under 20 season ticket is free)
13 performances:
- 12 performances at the Forum Bressanone
- 1 showing at the Municipal Theatre Bolzano
on sale from October 2024
full price € 19
over 65 € 14
under 26 and CGN holders € 9
under 20 € 6
At the box office of the Stadttheater Bozen
Piayy Verdi, 40, 39100 Bolzano
Opening hours: Tuesday - Friday 14.30 - 19.00; Saturday 15.30 - 19.00
Tel: 0471 053800 | Mail: info@ticket.bz.it | online at: www.ticket.bz.it
Methods of payment
- cash
- cash card
- credit card (Visa, Cartasì, Diners, Mastercard)
- bank transfer (ordinary or electronic)
Bank transfers must be attested by sending a copy of the payment receipt by fax to (+39) 0471 053 801
In case of electronic transfer, also by email to info@ticket.bz.it
Payee: Municipal Theatre Foundation
c/o Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano
IBAN: IT97 B 06045 11601 000005400000
Please specify the reason for payment indicating title, date of event and number of tickets.
More information: www.teatro-bolzano.it