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11/12/2022 - 8:30 PM Uhr

Theatre: Storie (in italian language)

by and with Stefano Massini
piano Paolo Jannacci
trumpet Daniele Moretto

In his "live storytelling workshop", Stefano Massini, accompanied by the jazz improvisations of Paolo Jannacci and Daniele Moretto, restores, through the evocative power of words, the many small, big stories, hidden in the folds of our present.
"What is there before a text? - says Massini - Quite simply: the spark of a story, falling in love with its strength, with the echoes it contains, and therefore the desire to tell it. Only that stories are hiding everywhere. Especially today, in the proliferation of media, where the bulimia of storytelling at all costs results in avalanches of useless sequences. So let us discover that at the dawn of the Third Millennium, a writer is first and foremost this: a dowser, a Klondike prospector in search of buried, hidden, sedimented veins. Let us try to make our way into the workshop of storytelling, where the ancient journey of evoking takes shape, that system of metaphors and references that Borges called enchantment, magic, the incredible anatomy of the real".

A Piccolo Teatro di Milano - Teatro d'Europa production in collaboration with Bubba Music

Duration: approx. 100 min.

Information & booking:

Organization: Teatro Stabile di Bolzano

Teatro Stabile di Bolzano
Tel. 0471 301 566

full numbered seat € 19
reduced price tickets over 65 numbered seats € 14
concessions under 26 and CGN holders numbered seats € 9
reduced price for under 20s numbered seats € 6

from 7 p.m.

In Bolzano at the municipal theatre box office and online at
From 2nd October tickets will be available for purchase at the following 13 branches of the Sparkasse, distributed throughout the region: the three branches in Bolzano (Gries, Point 12, Via Roma), in the Merano office, in Bressanone, Brunico, Vipiteno, Laives, Egna, Appiano, Silandro and, finally, in two branches in Trentino (Trento Palazzo Sani and Rovereto).

14 shows
13 on view at the Forum
1 on view in Bolzano at the Teatro Comunale (free bus service reserved for subscribers)

This year it will again be possible to subscribe to three seasons 2022-23 / 2023-24 / 2024-25 at a special price.
Full season ticket € 150 instead of € 195
Reduced season ticket € 123 instead of € 165
Season ticket under 26 and CGN holders € 67 instead of 90
Season ticket under 20 € 45 instead of 60

Full season ticket € 65
Reduced season ticket € 55
Under 26 season ticket and CGN holders € 30 (second under 26 season ticket free)
Under 20 subscription € 20 (a second under 20 subscription is free)

The purchase of new annual and three-year subscriptions, reconfirmations of annual subscriptions and withdrawal of three-year subscriptions is possible:
Until 26 October in Bolzano at the ticket office of the Municipal Theatre at Piazza Verdi 40 (Tuesday to Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.) or by calling T 0471 053800.

Unused tickets are not subject to refund. Once the performance has started, no admission to the auditorium is permitted until the first intermission. Cheating does not guarantee the right to keep the seat indicated on the ticket.

For spectators with disabilities admission to performances is reduced and free for the accompanying person.

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